
  • The Disillusionment – ILPs/IEPs

    The Disillusionment – ILPs/IEPs

    Individual Learning Plans / Individual Education Plans As a dyslexia advocate and tier 3 interventionist, I hear quite a bit about ILPs (Individual Learning Plans – that’s what they’re called in Tasmania). Sadly, they often feature ‘early’ in the typical tales of woe that are the journeys of discovery around the intersection of learning difficulties…

  • Spelling Rules. Or sux.

    In this post, I will: Look at the position of the Sounds~Write program with regard to (not) teaching spelling rules. Highlight that this is an unusual position to take in structured literacy. Note that there appear to be some rather wild claims made about kids’ inability to learn spelling rules, with little evidence offered for…

  • Anniversary reflections

    Anniversary reflections

    I wrote most of this over a couple of days in the summer school holidays, and then thought I’d finish it when I got back, but of course didn’t. The recent Teaching Matters science of learning summit in Hobart this week got me mulling things over again, and spurred me on to finish… I’m on…

  • Are Tasmania’s ‘Reading Wars’ over?

    Are Tasmania’s ‘Reading Wars’ over?

    Experts seeking distance from $1M report suggests issues run deep. The Premier’s Literacy Advisory Panel is set to hand down its final report to Tasmania’s Department for Education, Children & Young People (DECYP) any day now. The Panel’s Final Consultation Report was brimming with recommendations rooted in the scientific consensus of reading and writing research,…